The latest

01/26/2009 at 1:23 pm (My Name Is Memory)

There has been some confusion in switching over from my old website to my new one. I think it’s all figured out, finally. Thanks for your patience. We’re still trying to bring the comments section over from the old site. They should get here soon.

I set up a new mailbox ( or just click on “write to Ann”), and the thing is, it actually works! I am getting emails from readers and writing back. It didn’t work on my old site, so I’m very excited that it works on this one. Thanks to those of you who have written to me.
In other news, I was sick the week before last and I had to cancel my bookstore visits in Connecticut, Atlanta and Miami. If you were planning to come to one of those, I am sorry. I’ve never been sick enough to cancel an appearance before, and I felt terrible for it (in addition to feeling generally terrible because of being sick). I’m feeling much better now and thankful for modern medicine and antibiotics. I’m rescheduling those visits, and I will post them on this site as soon as they are definite.
And last of all, I found out that 3 Willows is going to be #1 on the New York TImes bestseller list of Children’s hardcovers next week. I was pretty surprised and excited about that. The only problem is that I made a deal with my kids that if 3 Willows made it to the top spot on the list, I would take them somewhere warm this winter. I was sort of kidding around when I made the deal. I didn’t think it would happen and I promptly forgot about it. But my kids have been very eager to remind me. So I guess we’re going somewhere warm this winter. So much for the deal I made with myself that I was going to save money.

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Today’s the day

01/13/2009 at 6:58 am (Uncategorized)

That my new book, 3 Willows, goes on sale.   I’ve got the usual anxiety.  I’ve also got the usual excitement, but I guess excitement never feels usual.   It’s the beginning of life for new characters and their stories.  Now they are in the world and they get to interact with readers and change and evolve as they go.
I start my book tour in Southbury, Connecticut tonight, move on to Atlanta and Miami later in the week, and then go to Chicago and Denver next week.  The full tour schedule is posted on this site under “Events,” so please do come if you live in one of the cities I’m visiting.  I’d love to meet you.

On the subject of this site, I’m sort of reintroducing it today.  It’s been simplified a bit, it can now be reached by the address (as well as, and I will be able to update it much more easily.  Also, you can now write to me directly  (see the “Write to Ann” link on the homepage).  All these changes are for the better, I hope, and I am thrilled to be able to interact with the site and with readers more easily. 

Thank you for your interest in my books.  Thank you for posting your lovely comments.   I’ll write again soon.

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